Crafting experience...
A Project Made By
Submitted for
Built At
Jump Start Hackathon
Hosted By
This project was a hackathon submission for Huddle Hive's Jump Start Hackathon.
We are Hacker Pirates. We're a mix of technical and non-technical individuals from the data team at ezyVet. In this project Lily worked on the design, with Vanu supporting on design plus building our presentation deck. Ana and Celine worked on the Github repo to prototype the integrations from a mock site to Github for creating the startup project at a click of a button.
Our project is a submission to the HackathonParty challenge in 'creating a tool or utility that helps improve the hackathon experience'. QuickStart helps to resolve one of the biggest issues at hackathons - getting started. QuickStart is a built-in tool for the HackathonParty workspace, supporting both technical and non-technical hackers. When a user enters the QuickStart tab, they are prompted to chose a startup project type and a project name. This automatically creates a Github repo for them that defaults to a React project. Non-technical hackers are able to drag and drop ideas of a prototype onto the page, simulating their project plan without needing to touch code. In the meantime, these changes are pushed to the Github repo regularly, allowing the technical individuals to pick up the repo and make further development changes to it. When the team are ready to start making their mockup of the product and user flow, they can click to create a Figma page which is autopopulated with a template related to their selection in an earlier step with a startup project type. The team is then able to develop and mock their product easily and smoothly, without having to spend hours getting the environment set up for the team and fighting to get their frontend and backend connected. When you have less than 12 hours to develop a project for a hackathon, every moment counts.
Link to Figma:
The project codebase was composed with the following list of technologies:
Frontend: React, Bootstrap, Axios
Backend: JS, Express, CORS, Axios, cookie-session
We're a team of colleagues so after our long work week it's admirable that we were all able to come together to build on a project in less than 12 hours. This project required skill sets that many of us had not used in a long time, due to the nature of this full-stack development project and given that we are all from our company's data team! Ironically, getting the project started up in the first place took over an hour with only one of us being able to access VSCode and Github to push changes to the repo. Developing this prototype together with only one IDE & Git being used was a challenge but we managed it!
The Github API was difficult to work with due to access tokens not being passed, because of this we needed to hardcode the token in the .env in order to be able to make this run. Only one of us knew React as well which made this a little trickier.
Ana worked on the prototype with integrations from a mock site to Github for creating the startup project in a repo at a click of a button.
Celine researched the tools required for this prototype and supported with development. She also helped manage the team.
Lily Carter played a key role in designing the pages for the project.
Vanu was involved setting up the presentation and helped with design.