Crafting experience...
A Project Made By
Anastasia Clark
Nick Humberstone
Plamen Dochev
Yunyoung Jordan Choi
Samuel Salam
Submitted for
Built At
Jump Start Hackathon
Hosted By
SettleBuddy aims to simplify the process and reduce the stress involved in milestone moments while going through the immigration process.
The app currently targets people that have just arrived in the UK and in the future it can include people that have been in the UK for a number of years.
We try to solve this problem by reducing information overload and gamifying the process with rewards and progress tracking.
The idea of SettleBuddy boils down to a web app for users to track what they have done, motivate users via gaming elements and guide users through obscure immigration procedures.
The entire stack uses TypeScript.
We specifically decided to build a web app and prioritised mobile devices since we thought this would maximize the accessibility of SettleBuddy.
We had some mixed experiences with working with Typescript within a really short time limit. We tried to set up a database within the day and that didn't go well - it was painful dropping this feature but it needed to be done.
A lot of us had our expectations of the hackathon changed a lot during the event and dropping the database is one example of this. Another example is that we wanted to add support for people that are further on in the immigration process.
Despite being keenly aware of our time constraints, we still overestimated what we could get done.