Crafting experience...
A Project Made By
Angela Mykytiuk
Nancy Mogoko
Dan Clubb
Dimitrina Grazhdani
Moulishwaran Balaji
Submitted for
Built At
Jump Start Hackathon
Hosted By
Introduction: We are the HackerBees a team of five software engineers with an average experince of one year in coding.
Framing the Problem: The team experienced significant delays in settling on a final idea during the hackathon, taking nearly a full day to reach consensus. Attempting to utilize the Hackathon Learning Centre for guidance proved ineffective, we are highlighting the need for a more efficient ideation tool that not only enhances team productivity but most importantly improves the ideation process by taking advantage of AI.
Idea Explanation: Our solution incorporates AI to help teams analyze their ideas, find the common themes and prioritise those that are more likely to generate the best solution to the problem.
Tech Stack: How do all the pieces fit together? The tech works with python and html pages. Python is used to initiate a localhost to view the html pages. Additionally we have used Google Gemini AI API. The api key has to be already hardcoded into the terminal as environment variable. Does your frontend make requests to your backend? Yes, it makes post and get requests for multiple things to the python script. The python script takes get requests for html pages and posts the team-members idea pages and to the gemini ai. Where does your database fit in? We don't use a database but use json format to parse data from the Gemini AI. Give a high-level overview of what SOFTWARE come together to create your project??? We use HTML, CSS in the frontend and Python as backend.
Technical Deep-Dive: The python script when run initiates a localhost using HTTPhandler library and renders pages according to requests. When the ideas are generated then it is sent to the Google Gemini AI API and it summarizes based on all the ideas and then returns back all the data. This is then parsed into taking the important text only and then it is rendered.
Challenges Faced:
Accomplishments Generated a working tool that satisfies the desired outcome - to make ideas simpler. Great team work under the time pressure - gain invaluable collaboration skills. Utilized to the best each others strenghts.
What are you proud of?
Next Steps: Potential features include -Add a fun elemement at the end of the ideation phase - GetToKnow -Add the information about uniqueness of your solution against other people’s solutions. -Value for stakeholders: Access to all the solution ideas to see if there’s anything interesting.
Project Links: Presentation Link: "" Github : ""